Christmas gift guide!

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" Guess it's that time of year again and everyone rushes to the stores to buy Christmas presents. Sometimes It can actually be a really testing thing to do. I know for me I am always stuck on that one person that you don't quite know what to get … Continue reading Christmas gift guide!

Autumn style

What I tell myself: 1. Study hard 2. Get a job 3. Do more exercise What I actually do: 1. Watch Netflix and eat pizza 2. Ummmm...... nah that's  about it. However as it's autumn I do like to get out and about a bit just to wear autumny? clothes. Here is one of my … Continue reading Autumn style

Pumpkin spice cupcakes!

So Halloween is around the corner and I am absolutely buzzing! Halloween and autumn are two of my favourite things because they involve dressing up and having a pumpkin spice latte (ahhh). On that note, I found these absolutely amazing cupcakes that reflect on both Halloween and Autumn.... Enjoy! X Ingredients: For the cake 300g … Continue reading Pumpkin spice cupcakes!